Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Gee, I Think I Wanna Be An Actress

One of my all time fav movies is 1988's Outrageous Fortune with Bette Midler and Shelley Long - in the film Long's character is a struggling actress who takes her craft very seriously, along the way she meets up with Bette's flamboyant character who has starred in a strange space flick and when she ends up at a prestigious acting coach's office decides she's going to audition along with the uptight Long. Shelley fakes a Brooklyn accent and insists you can't just walk off the street and say, "Gee, I think I wanna be an actress..."

Yet that is exactly how I feel - well except for the ess part cuz gee I think I wanna be an actor. For the last few weeks I've been watching the improv sketch comedy show Thank God You're Here and I'm loving it, I always thought I'd be good at improv and when I did do a few plays in my day, I had to do a lot of improv and recall getting one of the best laughs out of an otherwise fairly mundane play called The Other Other Woman.

Then last night the Logo channel debuted The Big Gay Sketch Show - a sketch show a la Saturday Night Live and Mad TV only geared more for a gay audience and actually funny. In the premiere episode a few little sketches had me laughing out loud - including a Logo Lifetip sketch that found gay boys Chad Michael and Michael Chad showing a stunned audience that you can actually make ice in your own home. It's hilarious as they smile at the camera and continue opening the freezer wondering, "Is it ice yet?"

In another sketch one of the female actresses puts on a gray wig, black tights and heels and is Elaine Stritch working her first day as a Wal Mart greeter - if you've seen one Elaine's latest concert specials, you will be rolling... and there's even a news story about a little girl who spots a bear in her back yard that is pretty damn funny as well.

Also one of the actors happens to be Jonny McGovern, who has an alter ego named Gay Pimp that puts out fairly hilarous and sexy dance ditties including "Soccer Practice" with a fairly hot yet hilarious video you can see here -

So what does all of this television watching have to do with me? Well it makes me want to join a comedy troupe is what it does... I wanna be on TV too, and with two of my five goals met from my New Year's resolutions perhaps you'll be seeing my mug on a sketch show pretty darn soon.

To see some sketches from the new show just go to Logo and you can watch a few including the Elaine Stritch and the Logo Lifeline sketch which is part of the "Gay Pocket Friend" sketch... frickin' funny stuff.

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