Saturday, January 05, 2008

Blinded By The New Year

Here's a story 'bout a boy named Bradley

who was busy drinkin' his New Years away

when he lost his friggin' glasses.... can you even believe it?

I blame it all on vanity - I was getting my picture taken at our friendly little bar when I decided, "Hey I look stupid with my hat and glasses on, so I'm taking my glasses off..." and that was the last I ever remember seeing them. The next day I searched high and low and called the bar, walked back to the bar and the conclusion was, my friggin' glasses are gone.

So I call up my doctor and I say, "Doctor doctor I can't see far away anymore, how am I supposed to know what I'm watching on the tv, I can't read the program guide." Understanding my plight they looked up my past order and informed me that my frames are no longer carried at the doctor office and they have to be ordered from France. Who knew I was so Euro trash? So I went back to the doctor's office and could not find any other frames I like. So today it's off to Lens Crafters so I can hopefully see by next week.

It's all so terribly sad, I can still kind of see, I just have to sit really close to the television set. I know what you're thinking, "But Brad that could ruin your eye sight..." Is that irony? I'll have to consult Alanis on that...

until then here's exhibit A: (me with sight)

and exhibit B: (much cuter but blind as a bat)

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