Monday, August 04, 2008

Monday Muldrums

Okay, first of all last week kicked my hot bootie like nothing has in a while - no, it wasn't Lisa Hartman Week as that was actually fun... actually everything was fun, it just kicked me so hard I ended up missing a night out with my pals - can you believe it?

Secondly, I could have sworn muldrum or meldrum was/were a word.. I did go to college for English - and yet when I looked it up to make sure I spelled it correctly, not even Webster could tell me how to spell it as it just didn't exist... (crap, now did I spell that word right?)

As you can tell, this week hasn't been going all that well either - I woke up super friggin early so I could go to the god awful beast lady known as my dentist and that's how trouble began. First we have a new insurance program at work and for some reason I don't have a card for my dental insurance (the guy told me I didn't need one) but the Leivas actually has new insurance as well and put me on his insurance - of course I have no card for that either.

So I like a schmuck with bad tooth decay saunter into the dental office without any proof of insurance but complete assurance that I am on not one but two different insurance programs. Twenty minutes later I'm on my way to work with still dirty teeth as neither insurance group had me listed...

and that was just the first hour or so of Monday!

Last week, was a bit better despite coming in early now for 2 weeks so I can do extra work, my pal Tommy and his pal from out of town came up to WeHo with a whole gaggle of Orange County cronies. We drank and ate at Marix, we went to see Under The Influence Of Giants in Silverlake, we drank more at Trunks, we drank even more at my house and I went to work on Tuesday...

where an earthquake struck my hungover ass and had me gripping the legs of my desk as I hovered below talking to the Leivas on the phone - "It hasn't stopped yet" were my exact words. Then dinner with Tommy and all the OC boys again - this time sushi on Sunset.. ooh fancy pants I know you're jealous.

By Wednesday with the going out and coming in, and getting up early The Leivas had had enough of social networking and we stayed home.. then Thursday came and Devin from Shitting Glitter came over to finish up some vocals for the song I'm producing and (yes! yes!) do some vocals for two Swivek songs... it was fun and super cool..

so Friday was the beginning of the birthday bash for my pal Luther so I took a disco nap at 7 pm which lasted until 2 AM Saturday morning, where I took a sip of water and went back to bed...

Needless to say the weekend was spent just hanging with the Leivas, watching movies, a few drinks at Trunks (I know, I can't help it!) and a trip to Amoeba on Sunday (I know, I can't help it!)

and now today has hit me ... of course it doesn't help that I hate going to bed on Sunday nights ( cuz I have to get up on Monday morning and work!) so I went to bed last night at like 4:30 only to get up at 6.. not smart... but oh well

okay now I'm finally off to bed ... maybe Tuesday will be a little more foo foo for moi

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At Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 12:54:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps you want a combination of "megrim" and "doldrum"?


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