Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Few Of My Favorite Things 3

I am finally over mourning for my dear Sophia and able to jump right back in and look a t a few of my favorite things this week...

First of all anyone can tell I am a strange love for Miss ONJ - hte Livvie and with seeing her just recently at Gay Pride and having Sordid Lives debut this week, I'm all about the Livster. Imagine my utmost surprise when I found this little ditty - the brillianz that is Angelic Dreamz Barbies not only makes a Sandy Good And Sandy Bad doll from Grease, THAT'S RIGHT I'M TALKING ABOUT GREASE BARBIE DOLLS BEATCHES!! They have the coolest Rizzo dolls and now they even have the prom night with Sandy, Marty, Rizzo and Frency in their dresses. Plus they even have a frickin' Cha Cha "I'm the best dancer in all Saint Bernadette" (with the worst reputation) doll! I want them all and I am not sure why.. PS I tried to yank a photo of the Marty doll but the website won't let me so check them out here as they rule the school:

Luckily, when I'm in a pinch for some new music or hours of time on my hands there is but one place in all of LA where I must quench my desires - no not the bar. Frickin' AMOEBA MUSIC in Hollywood - you don't know how much time I have spent in that place. I always have a list for CDs, 45s, LPs, and I even have my list broken out into different genres so I know exactly where to find everything. This last Sunday we headed over where I got some Olivia CDs (see the theme), plus they had a ton of 7" records with the picture sleeves for 50 frickin cents. I ended up buying 67 of them. Don't judge me.

and finally - a remorseful favorite. Every day and night my Leivas sits and watches his news programs and every day and night the newscasters yack and yack about the political movement or stagnacy (if you ask me) of our government - yammering on and on about Obama and McCain. It makes me all sick to my tummy as I realize how I miss my little elfin king - the little midge who should be president of the world - My Little Dennis Kucinich. I want him back! He really is one of my all time favorite things and let me just say how greatly disappointed and almost disgusted I am by the fact that for 12 years now I am going to find myself not voting for who I want as my president but rather against who I do not want as my president. We truly are screwed - and Dennis - take me to your island and become my elfin king!

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