Friday, May 07, 2010

Political Posse

For years I've trying to get Alfred to run for city council of West Hollywood - he has lived here for over 25 years and knows everything there is to know about politics, but he doesn't want to do it, so that leaves me.

As silly and crazy as it sounds I am looking into running for City Council or at the very least finding someone who shares my wishes for the city. For the last 25 years the same council members have been rotating and they aren't doing as much for the city as I would like.

My first real desire to go after them was when there was an event at the West Hollywood Park. I work at the Pacific Design Center across from the park and as I walking home I saw reserved parking places for the event for John Heilman, Abbe Land and other members. We are a very progressive city including having environmentally minded laws, so why would members of the city council need reserved parking in a city that is only 1.5 square miles???

More recently Abbe Land is trying to get a law into the books regarding public cigarette smoking. She wants smoking banned from the outdoor patios of bars and restaraunts. Not only does she want this passed, she wants it to extend to the sidewalks. Needless to say the bars are not happy.

I don't care what anyone thinks about people smoking - we all know it's a fithy habit and is very bad for you, but since cigarettes are legal to smoke and you are outside and probably drinking - you can't just take the act away from people.

What really peeves me is I am almost quissessential West Hollywood - most of the people in this town are renters - I rent. I shop at the stores, I eat at the restaraunts, I drink in the bars, and I work in the city. I have never once seen Abbe Land in any of these places nor have I seen her walking down the street as I walk to and from work.

Recently there was an 'art attack' protest at a council meeting started by the two men who own the house that garnered them national attention with their Sarah Palin hanging model on Halloween a few years back. They were protesting against three members - Abbe and her crazy need for any and all real estate development in the city, John Heilman who has been on the board over 25 years and a woman named Lindsay who became a member by the other members bringing her in rather than a vote. It all seems like it's time for a change..

and that my friends is my political rant for the day.

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At Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 1:09:00 PM PDT, Blogger Devin Tait said...

I definitely think you should try to get involved in city politics and get on City Council! But, I have to mention that Abbe Land is a pretty cool person, and I did recently run in to her at the Koo Koo Roo in West Hollywood, and at several of the homeless events I have been at. As far as parking, they probably have the spots reserved not so much for when they're working in WeHo but when they have to go outside of town and then come back - it could be difficult if not impossible to find parking so if you had to run down to city hall or something it would be annoying to have to spend so much time trying to find a spot when they come back. Plus, if you got on City Council I bet you'd appreciate that spot!

At Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 1:10:00 PM PDT, Blogger Devin Tait said...

Oh, that ban on smoking outside is stupid, though.

At Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 9:32:00 AM PDT, Blogger swivek said...

I wasn't trying to see Abbe Land isn't a good person, I just don't like her track record in the city council and don't agree with what she wants for West Hollywood.

It is good you've seen her at local businesses, and I have to remember she could be all over Sunset Boulevard and the more chi chi parts of We Ho and I wouldn't know it.


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