Monday, January 22, 2007

You Can Ruin A Good Story

I have been sick all weekend long so instead of doing anything of any kind of productivity, I spent the weekend in my pajamas watching television show after movie after television show after movie. One of my favorite things is the strange and mysterious deaths of old Hollywood and of course the most famous of all is the still unsolved mystery of Elizabeth Short's death in 1947; known as the Black Dahlia now there is still no real apparant motive or suspect in the grisly death of the girl.

Of course there's a million books and one is by James Ellroy which is basically more a tale of noir set amidst the discovery of the body in 1947, and like his earlier work LA Confidential, the new Hollywood jumped on board and decided to turn his book into a movie. So this weekend I rented The Black Dahlia, even though some idiotic casting agent decided to put the talentless Josh Harnett in a lead role and from there I knew we were doomed but what I didn't expect was just a completely horrible and boring movie. I have to wonder if Scarlett Johannsen acts like this in every movie - she is a wooden stick who can barely utter dialogue, and she was up for an Oscar for something? This movie was so atrocious I had to turn it off at 1 hour and 1/2 into it, little did I know it was only an hour and 1/2 into it though, I thought for sure we had been watching it for four hours. So long story short, go online, read some of the who done it books about the Black Dahlia but do not, I repeat do not see this movie! Ugh!

Luckily, I had plenty of other DVD's to watch, so I spent my time with the Lawrences and more episodes of Family Season 1, I also finished up the five disc set of Police Woman Season 1 including all the commentary with the hilarious Angie Dickinson and just for more frowns to turn upside down, I put on a few episodes of Mary Tyler Moore season 4. And with all that time spent in the 70's I've decided on Wednesday we are going to start counting down the top 100 Singles of the 1970's so get ready, cuz I know you guys are going to love that - yes, both of you my readers....


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