Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ooo ssscary

I love Halloween, it's my favorite Holiday ever, and to celebrate, there's always a ton of scary or would scary movies and TV shows to watch. As it just so happens I've been renting some of those. Of course throw in a little gay twist and I'm there.

Last year a little horror film called Hellbent was released, set in West Hollywood on Halloween and during the infamous West Hollywood Halloween Carnival (one of the biggest in the country), it was dubbed the first "gay horror movie". We went to see it at the theater and I actually loved it. In the film, a psycho hot killer with a devil's mask and no shirt is offing people. First a couple of dudes making it in a car in the park and then he starts following our group of heroes, led by a city officer and son of a cop. Of course he has all the gay friends, the hot dancer, the drag queen, the shy but excited boy. The movie is actually really good and has a twist or two in it, but some may have a problem with the fact we never know who the killer really is or why he is killing off people, but as I've heard it, the writers/producers did this on purpose - sometimes there's no reason at all. It's really a good movie and I recommend it.

On the other hand, Here! TV one of the two gay networks has just renewed their "gothic gay soap opera" Dante's Cove. At first, I was pissed that they put this show on the air last year as you all know I too have a gay soap opera that no one seems to want. Then when I found out it had all this supernatural elements in it, I was jealous that I hadn't written it. Then when it was renewed I was way pissed that "Carlton Heights" didn't win that pilot award or that I don't have an agent to sell the script to Here! Or Logo but then last night I finally rented Dante's Cove disc one, and realized what a huge pile of shit this thing is. First of all, if the best acting is done by Tracy Scoggins, you should realize you have a problem.

The show begins with a flashback of the small town Dante's Cove in 1840 where the witch Grace is set to marry her hottie man toy and even flashes her red eyes to disinegrate a poor woman who she thinks caught her man's attention but when she leaves her man and his man servant and ends up going back to get her forgotten gloves only to find the two in a full on fuck mode over the sofa, she disinegrates the slave lover while his wawa does all these jerking motions - that's right full on male frontal and the opening credits haven't even started.

After Grace banishes her man to an eternity as an old weathered face in an attic we cut to modern day Laguna Beach where apparantly acting is not an artform; the main characters show up and get blowjobs in the cab and we discover the blonde is still living at home with a wretched step father and isn't out to anyone, basically why this 35 year old man is still at home I can't figure out. Byt the time the two boys fight and break up and we cut to an awful beach scene and an equally awful home scene with the father and mother, I went out to smoke. I told the Leivas to put the disc back in its package, seal it up and send it back to Netflix to ruin someone else's life. I am not that particular about films or tv as I am a huge fan of camp but this thing is so awful it doesn't even have a redeeming thing. I just can't imagine why this is on the air and my little show is collecting dust in my file cabinet. Of course should someone get their hands on Carlton Heights and put some of these "actors" into it, I guess they could ruin my show as well; although I have to say without blowing my own horn that my dialogue and storyline is a tad more professional; even when I put in the obligatory sex scene. But what do I know, I just live in Hollywood I don't actually work in the biz.

Stay tuned for a few more little killer flicks to keep our spooky run down to All Hallow's Eve a tricking and a treating.


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