Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Here Comes The Brad

So what did I do last night? Oh yeah that's right, I went and got myself hitched. Oh yeah, I'm off the market - so sorry boys, but the Leivas and I have made it official - well official in West Hollywood anyway. In this great land known as CaliMexi there are official benefits in being married but there is also a separate license with benefits (albeit a little less) for just West Hollywood rather than the whole California state process.

Yesterday I left work a little early so my man and I could trot on over to City Hall and register as domestic partners - two words I frankly despise but what can you do? That's what they call it. I know it only took him 7 years to lead me to the alter but it was worth it - I'm sure he feels that way.

So now we are officially an old married couple - though if I go into Hollywood I think I'm still single - so watch out Spotlight patrons - I keed, I keed. As for when he can finally trot me off to the State Department and be recognized in all of California - I'm waiting until our tenth anniversary - August 20, 2010 when I am having a full on wedding whether or not we actually get gay marriage - so mark the calendars cause you just might be in the wedding party and if not, I'll still need you to bring me presents.

I now present the Leivasons (by the way that's confetti in our hair - don't ask)

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At Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 10:58:00 AM PST, Blogger Amy - the gazelle said...

I'm glad I read all the way to the bottom (the bit about the big wedding in '10), because I was a little upset that I wasn't invited. Especially since I was there just 2 weeks ago! But, I'm holding out hope that you will invite me to the big bash in 2.5 years - which should be about the right amount of time for you to plan a lavish affair.

Congratulations. Alf sure hooked himself a great guy.

At Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 11:16:00 AM PST, Blogger swivek said...

Yes, this was a big spur of the moment thing - a shot gun wedding of sorts. But you will definitely be invited to the big one - and you are so right he did hook himself a good one.

At Saturday, November 24, 2007 at 12:44:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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