Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Few Of My Favorite Things

It's that time of the week again - a little look at some of my favorite things:

The New Adventures Of Old Christine - I may have talked about this little sitcom before but it is so frickin' hilarious I laugh out loud at every single episode. I just can't believe how much I relate to the whack job lead character. I mean I'm nowhere near my forties, I don't have a kid, I'm not divorced and what else, oh yeah I'm not a woman... but oh well for some reason I'm a lot like Christine... you should check it out on Wednesdays on CBS if you aren't already watching. Also the first two seasons are on DVD - rent them you'll laugh. (and think of me)

Uncle Brad - being an uncle is so cool when you've got nifty little nephews like mine. My oldest nephew is actually not in this picture as that title goes to my godson Zion but I'm sure he'll make an appearance on this list sometime soon... meanwhile here's Jared, who is going into the (gulp) Marines this month!! and of course you know Evan - the saintly handsomest little prince ever... In fact I love these kids so much I wrote a song called "First Born Son" about my nephews, now if only I could sing it without Auto Tune fricking me over.

and finally that little space known as Facebook. The only reason I ever joined Facebook is because a couple of my friends were on there who weren't on My Space and they would meet up for drinks on Wednesdays and I didn't want to miss out on a Happy Hour.

Meanwhile the very first email I ever got through Facebook was from a gal named Candi who sent me a note - "Did you go to school in Rhinelander. I think you were my best friend in high school." And what do you know I was! The girl has been looking for me for all these years and we finally found each other ... she loves me so much she even gave her first born son my name as his middle name... now that's something my sister, brother and best pal Melsie (the aforementioned nephews' parents) never did... but I'm not bovvered.

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