Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mr. Jacobson, if you're nasty

Well I did it, Bradley Project #175,645 has been completed...

In my quest, to do every single thing possible in the entertainment industry from my own room, I entered a contest to design the new Janet Jackson CD "20 Years Old." Janet announced earlier this month that she was inspired by fan art and decided to start a contest where her fans could design her next album cover. So all you had to do was download a selection of photos pre-approved by the record company and Ms. Nasty herself, and then design the cover.

Hopefully, with all my experience making Bubbatunes compilations and Swivek CDs, I may get noticed for my artistic work on CD covers. After all, if I do have to work how cool would it be to get paid to design CD covers?

But now that my job is done, it's time for you guys to do yours! That's right, you can go to the Janet Jackson website and rate the album covers that her fans came up and of course you're all going to vote for me! In the end, a panel of judges moves the best covers over to Janet who makes the final decision and then the first million copies of the CD bear your design.
So without too much prodding click here and my cover will be the one that shows up. Then vote, vote, vote and give me all the kudos you know I deserve!

P.S. I was going to post a picture of my cover but I think I sold it to J's record company and I don't want to cause any problems, I'd hate to have one of her nips come flying at me.


At Saturday, August 12, 2006 at 8:44:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.


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