Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Okay for the most part I would say I'm a pretty nice guy but I have to admit when it comes to caring for others and showing sympathy I'm not all that great. Maybe I am if it's say my mom or sister or my Leivas but when it's my co-worker let me just say I'm not too hot.

On Monday, the only other person I work with in my showroom started acting all strange. He said he had shooting pains in his back and from his side of the room all I heard were moments of "oh.." and "eeeh.." and as I rolled my eyes and thought, "what the hell am I supposed to do about it?" He asked me if I could bring him some water.

Now this is where it really shows what a caring person I am - all I thought of was, "There's only one bottle of water in the fridge and I brought it from home." But in my defense, I only thought that and actually did bring it to him.

Eventually, he packed it up and went to the emergency room and I haven't seen him since, which means I'm stuck on the 5th floor of this hell hole, having to lock up and set the answering machine everytime I want to leave, and believe me I want to leave a lot...

and in a strange little twist, he had called me yesterday saying he was coming in this morning and he hasn't shown up or called, and just now while writing this he rings me up to tell me he thought he was coming in this morning but will be here as soon as he can, he just had a rough night...

Okay so his problem was kidney stones and I have heard they are super intense and painful but why is that I just want to smack him in the kidneys repeatedly with my stapler until they loosen up and he get back to work? Is that so wrong?

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At Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 2:30:00 PM PDT, Blogger Devin Tait said...

Remind me to never have any medical emergencies around you! LOL!

At Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 10:26:00 AM PDT, Blogger Amy - the gazelle said...

you make me so proud to be your friend.


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