Monday, May 15, 2006

When You're A Brad

So do you recall a few posts back when I mentioned I got the shopping trait from my mother? Well there are a lot of other traits I inherited and though maybe not directly from Ms. Karen, it definitely came from the Jacobson tree... the trait that is so prominently engrossed in my little blonde head today is the one where I get all gussied up, think I'm so cute and adorable and then proceed to drink everyone and their mother under the table, while continuously and I mean on and on and on, talking - usually about myself and secrets I swore I'd never tell anyone.

This weekend found me and the Leivas hightailing it to his sister's house in Riverside where the wine was a flowing. Now usually the Levias' and their friends and family find me quite charming but I can't help to think that perhaps there were moments when I stepped over the line. There was a woman there who reminded me of my Nauntie Dianne, there was a woman who was the spitting image of Kirstie Alley - there was a whole group of people around the ashtray completely engrossed in my stories! How could I not talk and talk and talk.

By the time I left I'm sure I had told everyone my opinion on everything, probably more than once. Alfred insists people love me and I do recall pseudo Auntie Dianne telling me she loved talking with me despite the fact she and I had some words about gay rights or the war or both, and Kirstie Alley even ran up to the bar and got me an extra glass of wine when Alfred wasn't looking, so maybe it wasn't as bad as I think it was. Yet something tells me I should call my "sister in law" and fish around to see if anyone hates me.

Of course I'll have to pour myself a glass of wine first cuz that woman likes to drink wine and talk and talk and tell everyone her opinion about everything.

Note: Only 8 more shopping days left until my birthday!


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