Thursday, August 10, 2006

Dance, Dance, Dance

Okay, it's official, I am now a reality show geek - Last night after So You Think You Can Dance, I did it. I hopped on the horn and I voted. I don't care who knows it, it had to be done. I mean there are only four dancers left and only one person can win. I just know it's going to be that HoMo Benji, and though you know I do love that boy, I just had to vote for his ex-partner and my favorite gal with the badonkadonk to boot Donyelle Jones. It didn't sway my vote in the least when the judges were rather harsh with her performances, though a contemporary dance with "Spike" made them all see the errors of their ways - but I know the American public who is doing the voting and ultimately decides the winner is going for Benji who is thwarted with screams every time his skinny white ass hits the stage - his cousin Heidi, I have discovered is probably the most limber woman I've ever met, and I have a lot of girlfriends who are quite slutty; and of course "Spike" is just as limber and when the two boys did a hip hop dance together - that's right two boys on the stage at once - they acted like it was so ceeeraaazy but I've seen plenty of men on a stage together so I wasn't perplexed at all, though when I see the men on stage they are usually a little more masculine that these two... but alas all things must come to an end, and next week is the two hour finale with two performances by what the kids call today's "hit music" and a lot of dancing, if only they could dance, dance, dance all night for me, then I wouldn't be forced to go back to my DVDs of Gimme A Break! and Police Woman... oh who am I fooling, I love those shows too...

for the recount - our four dancers left are Donyelle, Benji "HoMo", "Spike" Travis, and "High Heeled" Heidi... and the dancers have danced two 2 Pat Benatar songs - one solo to "We Belong" (I loved that Allison girl) and one couple swing dance to "It Don't Happen No More".. next season I'm sending them Swivek songs!


At Friday, August 11, 2006 at 12:01:00 AM PDT, Blogger OrangeTV said...

Kind of unrelated but - when are they going to finally put Solid Gold on DVD? - When? When? When! Just think of the goldmine of performances that would be unearthed, plus those Solid Gold Dancers would be worth the price alone. Gimme it!

At Friday, August 11, 2006 at 10:22:00 AM PDT, Blogger swivek said...

I have been saying that for years - I'm on the update list for that and they let you know when things come out, but that would be just too exciting. I used to spend Saturday nights watching Solid Gold followed by Madame's Place .. oh what good times.


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