Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Driving Me Out

It's strange how some parents and friends can react to the whole "coming out" process. I've always believed if you have a fairly good relationship with your 'rents then telling them you're gay shouldn't make them want to send you out of their lives forever. Perhaps that's my own naivete but that's what I think. A parent is supposed to love you no matter what, unfortunately I think that isn't always the way it goes, but luckily for me.. my mama loves me and though the initial idea of her son being gay is not what she wanted never once has she made me feel horrible or threatened to cut me out of her life.

But I do recall the day I finally got up the nads to tell her. Like a well played soap opera, I first told all of my friends, just to get the initial reactions. I set up this whole plan on how to tell everyone. I made a date so all of my friends would be at the bar at the same time, but still told them individually. After all the hoopla I built up in my head I was a tad ticked off when the 35th, "Well it's about time" came out of one of their mouths.

As for my mom, well she always knew too. But she didn't necessarily want to hear it and I didn't necessarily want a big confrontation, so one afternoon after lunch, as she was driving her car, I looked over from the passenger seat and said, "Hey guess what!"

She couldn't hit me, she couldn't cry too hard, she was really fairly helpless what with having to maneuver a large vehicle and all. I figured if she would pull over I'd jump out and run away but it didn't happen.

But being a small Midwestern woman who still has a fairly slim view of the world, she took it pretty well. She has met almost everyone I ever dated and when that rolling line of holiday guests finally dwindled down to my Alf - she was more than excited to meet him and find out that he basically takes care of me - he pays his bills, he has a job, he's responsible and quiet - all those things a mother would always want in a son but got in a son in law instead...


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