Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Network Blues

We watch a lot of television in our house, in fact The Leivas seems to have somehow tapped into some portal of time where he is able to watch every television show that's on the air. As 8 pm rolls around, the DVDR in the living room lights up, the VCR in the bedroom begins to tape and the TV is on and running.

Because of the time he spends in front of the television, in order to actually spend any time with him myself, I have to sit right down and enjoy what we have. Luckily, a few shows captured my interest and I'm not bored to tears. But usually if I like something that means it has about two airings to go before the plug is pulled.

With all this in mind, I had a bit of trepidation as I hit Yahoo News today to find out what the major networks were going to put on in the fall. Every May, they get together and announce their fall schedules and every May I sweat, hoping there will be something to keep my interest while my boyfriend and I spend our quality time together.

As it turns out, this fall is looking pretty grim. Almost any show I had become attached to will be gone - Invasion, Out Of Practice, Still Standing, Surface - all gone. In their places will be nothing too interesting full of stars I could care less about. Where's the new Lisa Hartman sitcom about a travelling singer who fights crimes? Where's the gay soap opera about a group of residents in a small coastal town fighting an old homophobe? Where's the Lost spin off with the gang of gay characters inhabiting only 10% of the island after their Olivia Cruise ran aground? But really, in all honesty, where's Bea Arthur when you really need her?


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