Monday, June 02, 2008

Just Like A White Winged Drunk

It all started with a mimosa at brunch, that turned into four mimosas in all and continued with two bottles of White Merlot, endless drunk dialing and it all ended with me spinning around my room to the songs of Stevie Nicks - yes, that was my Sunday night..

and I felt I must share the story with you, for those who either didn't get a call or just wanted to read about my life today.

I've been a tad slow with the blog posts but that's cuz it was MY BIRTHDAY MONTH and I was on vacation for two weeks while my mommy, sister and genius nephew visisted me.

So stay tuned for pix and stories on that - and for now here you can also enjoy the likes of Stevie Nicks - or her tribute band Bella Donna, which we happened to see Memorial Day Weekend at the street fair in Hermosa Beach - not as good as Stevie for real, but she certainly has the moves down:

for the real deal, why not relive Edge Of Seventeen, it's a damn fine tune and sounds even better when I'm not twirling around in my room, slurring the words and singing ever so slightly off key.

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