Thursday, May 01, 2008

All Mixed Up

Ugh! What a nightmare... so I've been working and working on my new music and when I say working, I mean working and mixing and when I say mixing I mean both the music and the drinks... geez who knew someone could blow threw that much booze in a few short months. I feel like Bree in that episode of Desperate Housewives where Lynette drops off all those empty bottles Bree has drank. Oh well, it's all in the name of art.

Meanwhile I think art sucks. I have the vocals down, I have the arrangements down and then I started mixing it up and I've had the damnest time. Meanwhile I've been learning all about the sound business and the mastering and mixing done by professionals. Excellant ideas and learning about it certainly makes me knowledgeable but alas I'm no professional when it comes to that.

Since I pretty much do it all on my own I thought, "What the hell maybe I'll just master the shizz myself, there must be computer programs right?" Well guess what there are a ton of them and they are all fairly expensive and of course way too technical for my blonde noggin to wrap around. I downloaded a version of WaveLab which is a mastering program so I can change the db's and all including putting the songs together so they have a solid sound through out i.e. a bit of mastering - well damned if I can figure any of it out!
But alas you should always have someone else master the stuff for you anyway cuz 1. they know what they're doing and 2. they come into the music with wide open and new ears, and so that's why you pay them at the lowest about $40 a song.

So finally, after two months of recording and one full month of mixing - and I mean working on this stuff every single night, I think I finally have it done. I ended up mixing up the sound just like I've always done so the sound and arrangments are the way I like them... for whatever that's worth - hopefully everyone else will like it too and I've even gone so far as to "mix down" everything just in case I should someday have enough confidence and moolah to send it to be mastered..

Meanwhile stay tuned for leaks on the new Swivek album Everybody Hates You - coming sometime this summer (!!!!)

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