Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BubbaTUNESday - All Kinds Of Special

This week is a very special week here at BubbaTUNESday - as the brand new P!nk CD comes out today - which I've been putting off listening to (since it's on the web right now) and instead will be heading my cha cha heels over to Virgin after work to pick it up! Which is where I have to veer off and bitch a minute, back when Tower Records still existed and was located just up the hill from my house, it would be Tuesdays like this that I would head over there BEFORE WORK and pick up the newest releases and thus I could spend all day listening to my new CDs, and now I have to haul my cookies all the way to Hollywood to get a new CD - I know my life can suck!

In other music news (that is what BubbaTUNESday is all about), I recieved the most exciting news ever - Lisa Hartman is finally coming out on CD. Well kind of. You see way back in 1988 her album Til My Heart Stops was actually released on CD by Atlantic Records. These days that CD goes for like $100 sometimes on Ebay and the like.. luckily I found a copy for only $26 and bought the sucker.. but now everyone can own it and not just in Bubbatunes version.. as Wounded Bird Records is re-releasing Til My Heart Stops next month! Here's the little blurb from Wounded Bird's website:
Lisa Hartman/'Til My Heart Stops ....CD $11.99
Lisa Hartman is known a as a country singer, an actress and as the wife of country singer Clint Black. She has only issued a few albums over the years, but one of them, 'Til My Heart Stops', has been one of Wounded Bird's most requested CDs to bring back to the fold. It was originally issued on Atlantic Records in 1987.

and you can preorder at Amazon!

But now onto some even better news - Halloween is my ultimate favorite Holiday and making music is one of my all time favorite loves, and luckily when Flexible Records was around my pal Mr. Flex Rex himself, Patrick would get all of his bands from the roster of Flex to do a Halloween compilation (instead of those oh so boring Christmas comps most people do) and Swivek was on each and every one of them (there were only 3 really) ... but since Flex Rex is no longer and it's almost Halloween, I thought I'd let YOU, my fan (s?) relive those awesome Swivek Halloween songs with one added bonus!

Yes that's right I said bonus, you see last year when Patrick came up with Musik Fer Spinnen, the 2007 Halloween comp, I submitted an electro clash version of the old murder anthem "Banks Of The Ohio" but I had actually also completed an original that I didn't give to him, so keeping in the tradition of a new Swivek Halloween song you can listen to "The Night", it's on My Space and you can run your digits over there and give it a gander.
As for the other SWIVEK HALLOWEEN SONGS here they are:

the electro clash "Banks Of The Ohio" from Musik For Spinnen (2007)

the creepy "Stalker" from Black Rubber Bats (2006)

and my favorite, a fun little zombie love song "Crypt Keeper" from Ghastly! (2005)

Enjoy bwahhhhhhh

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