Thursday, November 06, 2008

A True Turnblad

Okay, let me start by saying yesterday (and a bit still today) I was so upset about this whole prop 8 shit (yes I said it, shit) and almost left work because I could not think about anything else (and also cuz I'm a big tit baby so I'd almost bawl like a baby when I thought of it) and then after reading the internet all day long looking for some kind of comfort, I found out there was going to be a protest rally in West Hollywood at 7 pm.

So I went to my first protest/rally ever. I felt just like Tracey Turnblad - "integration now/segregation never!" plus I have put on a few pounds. Regardless of my size, it was really emotional for me. A lawyer spoke who told us that (just like Jerry Brown - attorney general has said) that anyone who was married while the marriage law was in effect are and will still be married.. but until Gloria Allred tells me that's the case I'm still walking on eggshells.

Also, it has bugged the shit out of me that like 70% Black and 60% of the Latino populations voted y on 8 (I can't bring myself to even write the prop) !!!! What the ... John Duran stated something I thought was important - the fact that everyone has been on the bottom rung of the ladder. Our stories may not be the same but the results are the same. I may not be discriminated against because I'm black but I can tell you that there is no doubt in the world that I know exactly what it feels like to be discriminated against and not just with this vote, but all the way back to the playground taunts to the drunken rednecks. One black woman told a black lesbian at a polling place (who had the No on 8 signs) that her kind was not wanted. Gee, how those 40 years since the days of Martin Luther King have flown.

There was also a great sign - 'HOW CAN A RELIGION OF FEW, CONTROL THE GOVERNMENT OF ALL?' and a few more good quotes (from Lorrie Jean I think) - "the people who voted yes for 8 can have their victory but it will be fleeting as THEY ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY..." I love that last part.

The rally really rallied me up - I felt empowered and it obviously did the same for others as the protesters left the safe confines of the roped off San Vicente Road and began marching through West Hollywood and beyond.

I went to my pal Amy's house for her birthday and when I was walking home (around midnight) there were still marchers a marching... and today - they are going to one group of people who had A LOT to do with the YES business - that's right those weird ass full body underwear polygamist loving Mormons! At 2 pm today, there is going to be a protest outside the temple on Santa Monica Boulevard... I am loving this!

I am trying to be more upbeat but let me tell you this is still irking me something insane.. so I am going to keep doing what I can... and so should you! JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL and EQUAL RIGHTS ARE EQUAL RIGHTS...

here's some vid:

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At Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 5:01:00 PM PST, Blogger Amy - the gazelle said...

love you....I've just been trying to figure out what I can do, too. Someone suggested boycotting Cali - which is all well & good (I don't need their stinking wine - ours is way better), but does that mean boycotting you? I can't do that.


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