Wednesday, November 08, 2006

For The Soul

These past four days have really been a wipe out, my poor Leivas went under the knife but thankfully all went well though I must say I'm still a tad exhausted. A few months ago the Leivas started investigating why his so called bursitus in his hip was so much more painful than normal, after being polked and prodded and prodded and polked, all the tests finally came back - "inconclusive". Go figure. But the doctors all got together, had a few martinis and decided they should cut out the little tumor they found on his hip. So on Monday, my guy had a biopsy and bone graph - they cut out the 1" tumor and the bone it attached itself to and replaced the piece of bone with some plastic. But I'm more than pleased to let everyone know the surgery went fine and my man is at home, lying in bed and actually being cared for as we speak by his Mama.

That's right the elder Leivas' have come to visit. Actually all last weekend was spent cleaning and maneuvering things so the Leivas' could stay at the house. While my pal Amy Cissell was having her big post wedding party (I'm sorry I couldn't be there, you know I still love you!), I was cleaning and vaccuming and buying booze for all of us. Alf's sister Evelyn came along for the support as well. Luckily, for all I love those people and they seem to like me as well.

The whole experience has taught me a few things - 1. There's nothing like having family around at a time of crisis, 2. You never realize how much tension and fear you have in your body until you get the news that a surgery went well and your beloved will be okay - I swear when I hung up the phone from the doctor in the OR I almost fell over; and I'm not afraid to admit there were tears in my eyes; and finally, and perhaps most importantly, no matter what your ailment is there is no cure as comforting as a bowl of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup. That's all the Leivas could eat and really that's all he wanted to eat. We now have fifteen cans in the cupboard; and I may need a few of those after I rediscover the great art of laundry and grocery shopping - this is going to be an interesting recovery.


At Monday, November 13, 2006 at 12:22:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm glad Alf came through everything okay - and I knew that's why you couldn't come to the big party. You were missed (Marcy says hi! Sara & margaret were both terribly disappointed as they were looking forward to meeting you, and brad was sad, too), but what you were doing was hella more important. HOWEVER, next time I get married, I think Alf may want to work with me to schedule any surgeries so it doesn't interfere with my life. let him know, would you?


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