BubbaTUNESday - SWIVEK!!!!

The brand new Swivek single is now available for free download!
You can head over to the
OFFICIAL SWIVEK WEBSITE and you can get not one, but two fabulous new songs by Swivek including the exclusive b-side 'THE KICK INSIDE' featuring DEVIN TAIT from SHITTING GLITTER!
You can also head to our
My Space or our Last FM page to hear the songs.
So get ready, get set and get FABULOUS!
Labels: Devin Tait, Fabulous, Shitting Glitter, Swivek
Book Tour
Because of the umpteen million projects I always have going, reading a book isn't always as close to the top of my desires as it used to be. I also have a habit of reading a book and not being able to put it down. I won't fall asleep until I finish 'that last chapter' and then usually I'll say, 'well one more chapter.' Because of that, I tend to find other things to do that need to be done since I know I won't get anything done when I will be reading. Plus I have this jealousy thing everytime I read a book, thinking, "I should really be writing my own book.."

But none of this stops me from heading over to the West Hollywood Book Fair every year and this year was a bonanza for me. First of all, Leslie Jordan was there pushing his book, "My Life On The Pink Carpet" which I had to buy!
Then frickin' Adrienne Barbeau was there pushing her book, "The Hollywood Vampyre" which I absolutely had to buy and can't wait to start reading, I also picked up her memoir "There Are Worse Things I Could Do" as she is the very first Rizzo on Broadway - and frickin' A I totally forgot to tell her my band had covered "There Are Worse Things.." oh well... also, she looks frickin' fantastic for being either very close or in her 60s (she looks almost like she did way back in '73 when she was on Maude! Amazing)

Also my friend Mike Pingle who is an avid Charlie's Angels expert was there to sign his latest book, The Q Guide to Charlie's Angels so I had to buy that, and there were little panels everywhere.. we saw the Leslie Jordan one and one of the two that Adrienne Barbeau was at, along with two other actress turned authors, Heather Thomas and Michelle Matheson who is just one of the cutest and sweetest people ever, plus she's in a band. I bought her book too...

Michelle said she was a blinker as evidenced here so we did take another picture and she turned out cute as hell, but I, on the other hand had this huge face thing going on and it has to be one of the worst pictures ever taken of me, so it was her or me, sorry Michelle.
I also bought the LA Gay Men's Chorus calender featuring them donning all kinds of get ups on their send up of classic TV series... all in all, it was a blast, Oh and Robert Wagner was there Too! And we saw Ed Begley Jr running around... and I have a ton of reading to do, should I ever stop doing my projects... which I may have to put on hold cause I really want to rip into that Adrienne vampire book it sounds absolutely scrumptious... it's all about a scream queen actress who just happens to be a 500 year old vampire, while also happening in the city of angels A-list actors are ending up murdered, one with his Oscar shoved right up his kazoo.. I can't wait!
Labels: Adrienne Barbeau, Leslie Jordan, Life In La La Land, Michelle Matheson, West Hollywood Book Fair
Hot Bastage Of The Week
HOT BASTAGE OF THE WEEK! This week's hot bastage is one of my all time favorites - you know him from
Desperately Seeking Susan, Reckless, Benny & Joon, Practical Magic - yes he's been in that many classic movies plus even more! It's
AIDAN QUINN and I love him.

For the best of Aidan's 'assets' you really must watch Desperately Seeking Susan and count how many times his tongue comes out of his mouth while talking (it's hawt!) and of course you MUST simply MUST freeze frame the part where he walks to the door in a blanket and it falls off to show us his, well 'assets..'
Labels: Aidan Quinn, Benny and Joon, Desperately Seeking Susan, Hot Bastage Of The Week
A Few Of My Favorite Things

First and foremost on this week's list of a
Happy Hour! How I love happy hour. For years and years (I maybe exaggerating) my pal and I would have Monday Night Amy Cissell Happy Hour which sometimes wasn't even on Monday, and surely didn't last only an hour but always always involved Amy Cissell and the Fiesta Cantina. Now that I walk to work and half to walk past all the West Hollywood bars on my way home, I sometimes dream my pal Amy Cissell will be sitting at Fiesta as I walk by - which of course means I would turn around and walk right into that bar... Last night as I walking home, my pals Howie, Pachuli and Scott were sitting right there at Fiesta, so imagine my sheer delight as I joined them For Wednesday Night Howie Pachuli Scott Happy Hour
In my big TV screening post of yesterday I forgot three very important shows that I also watch including
"Chuck" which is exciting and hilarious,
"Sordid Lives" which is funny and full of Livvie and the Thursday night glory known as
"Ugly Betty" which has its season 3 premiere tonight! Here's an awesome little scene from last year featuring Vanessa Williams (super super excellent) as Wilemena and her assistant Marc... love it:
and finally, this may seem a bit weird to you all - but only if you don't really know me I think. A few years ago it occured to me I had some random
Crystal Gayle songs on my computer and after listening to them, I was pulled back to being a kid when my mom used to have the 8 tracks for
When I Dream and
Miss The Mississippi, Crystal's 1978 & 1979 albums respectively.
It was then that I started conjuring up all the big hits Miss Gayle had during the late 70s and 80's and realized I do love her. So when a 2 for CD of her albums
We Must Believe In Magic and
When I Dream came out last year I bought it, and then to my utter shock, dismay and I hate to admit it, excitement, all of her albums from 1979 through 1989 have been released on CD as two fers - I am not ashamed (and I don't care who knows it) to admit that I bought all four of the CDs so I now have on CD -
Miss The Missisippi & These Days, Hollywood, Tennessee & True Love, Cage The Songbird & Nobody Wants To Be Alone and
Straight To The Heart & Nobody's Angel... and they all come with all the lyrics and liner notes and in remastered sound.. plus I didn't even pay all that much for them, and to me they're priceless.... don't you judge me or I may just have to burn you some Crystal and you won't be laughing for long..

Crystal Gayle
Labels: Amy Cissell Happy Hour, Crystal Gayle, Favorite Things, Fiesta Cantina, My Life In La La Land, Ugly Betty
To TV Or Not To TV
My man loves himself the old TV - he watches every single television show that is even remotely interesting to him, and I suspect even shows he doesn't particurlarly care for. I, on the other hand, try to get out more often and let him watch his shows, which reminds me a few weeks ago I was out with a friend and asked where Alf was, I told he was at home with his best friend the TV - my pal thought I meant a transvetite and that Alf had a best friend who was said tranny. It cracked me up and unfortunetly that is not the case.
Anyhoos, our time together is spent watching a lot of TV - that's where we have our meals and though I try not to watch too much, I get sucked in everytime. This season was supposed to be different since nothing new really appealed to me but then there's all those returning shows I want to see.
So here's a low down of what I've been watching or will be watching, and if you are so inclined could watch as well:
Mondays -
"The Big Bang Theory" is a hilarious show that we watch every week. I am still watching
"Heroes" but after the season premiere on Monday I think those days may be numbered. I can not stand the Peter Petrelli character as the actor (Milo Ventimiglia) is so wooden and horrible I don't know if I should laugh at him or cringe in the corner. Now even the cheerleader is getting on my nerves. I have a big thing for
Ali Larter and her new "ice queen" character could be interesting, but ever since the lame season one finale, this show has just gotten boring. Syler and Peter are enough to send me screaming over to ABC to see what's on.
Tuesdays - I can't help it, but I always seem to get sucked into
"Law & Order SVU", and now a new show has arisen from the ashes of bad television -
"Fringe" which is a sort of XFiles and has some of the best chemistry ever, not between the male and female leads but rather the male lead and his crazy father.
Wednesdays -
"The New Adventures Of Old Christine" - if you haven't watched this hilarious show starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus as ME then you're missing out on something. Why do I relate so much to a 40-something divorcee who loves wine? And coming back tonight
"Lipstick Jungle" with Brooke Shields, which I didn't really want to like last season, as I just couldn't committ to another soap opera - so much for that. I love the show and think the three leads are much more believable as pals than those
Desperate Housewives chicks.
Thursdays - TheLeivas loves his
ER and I do love the characters and actors of John Stamos, Linda Coranelli and Muary Turney but the show depresses the hell out of me so I can't watch it. The best show on this night is definitely
"Samantha Who?" with the comedic brilliance of not only Christina Applegate but Jean Smart as her mother, Jennifer Esposito as her snobbish pal Andrea and the ever brilliant Melissa McCarthy as her pal from grade school. Again, if you haven't seen this show you're missing out.Here's your 'starter kit'
As far as I know Fridays and Saturdays I am still free for outside interests and then of course
Sunday, I am sucked into
"Desperate Housewives" even though the show hasn't been as good as the first season since well, the first season. First, I hate, absolutely hate Bree Van Dee Camp and Marcia Cross (ever since she tried to ruin
'Knots Landing' with her big alien face), and since everyone else seems to like her so much, she'll be bugging me for seasons to come. The problem is mostly the writing is so shintzy, they let you know they're being funny and cute by putting on cutesy music, they forget storylines for months on end and the whole series seems to go nowhere over and over again, but then again Dana Delaney is brillz and I'm a sucker for the soap, so I'll still be watching..
Plus there are the best shows on cable - right now on HBO we are having
"True Blood" nights at my house on Sunday watching the series where vampires have come out of the coffin and are drinking synthetic blood, meanwhile Sookie Stackhouse is falling hard for a 'pire because he is the only person who can hide his thoughts from her mind.. it's good. I started reading the books but have since given up since, well it's on my TV now.
On BBC America is the often hilarious
Gavin & Stacey, about two new lovers who live long distance but are on a whirlwind romance - the friends and parents of the characters are hilarious.
And coming soon is the USA version of
"Little Britian" which I have a feeling could be an absolute riot.
Jesus, no wonder I can't get anything done. These are just the shows I watch during dinner, imagine if I was the Leivas...
and there's my TV news, what are you watching....
Labels: Gavin and Stacey, Life In La La Land, New Adventures Of Old Christine, Samantha Who?, The Leivas, TV
Loehmann's Loe Down

On the brilliant (yes brilliant) sitcom The Nanny, our favorite child rearer talks up a storm about Loehmann's and not having to pay retail prices. So imagine my extreme gleefullness when I discovered we had a new Lohemann's Men's Store across the street from the Beverly Center.
Let me just say that yes you do get a good deal. The pretty oh so comfy cashmere-ish sweater I picked out originally retailed for $500.00 and since the new price was $250.00, well yes that is a great deal. So were the ties which were normally $75.00 marked down to $30.00 and the men's dress shirts ranging from $150.00 - 200.00 and marked around $50.00 - 75.00. Did I buy anything? Are u friggin' kidding me. I don't know what that Mr. Scheffield was paying Nanny Fine but my boss doesn't give me enough to spend at Loehmann's Men's Store so it's back to Kohls, Target and the Thrift Store, but hey would you expect anything else from me?
Labels: Life In La La Land, Loehman's, The Nanny
The Bright And Shiny Cul-de-sac
Last night the Leivas and I went for our walk - our big time lose weight the long and slow way walk - and ended up at King's Road Park where our wedding ceremony will be taking place and let me tell you it is so cool. There are some fountains there and a little part in the middle that looks like a mini jungle complete with a mini waterfall. It's so cool, for our next walk I'm going to have to take our video camera and show it off.

Then as if that wasn't good enough news, I just found out that my beloved series, the best television series to have ever aired on TV Knots Landing is finally coming out with season 2 on DVD! Of course I've dubbed a zillion copies off of Soapnet onto video and DVDR but it's not the same and some of those DVDR's are now skipping so I will get my fix of season 2 which includes some of my favorite episodes, not to mention the arrival of Miss Donna "The Eyes Have It" Mills -

it's so exciting. But I have to mention the powers that be at Warner Brothers said it would come out in 2009, I'm just hoping they mean January 1, 2009. Hopefully the next seasons will come out one right after another as I can't wait for seasons 4-7 - THE LISA HARTMAN YEARS.
To see the enjoyment found in season 2, here's some Knots to get you a cul-de-sac fi, in fact it's the scene where Val asks Abby to stay in Knots Landing, a request she probably regrets a few years (if not months) later:
Labels: Donna Mills, Knots Landing, Life In La La Land
These Kicks Were Made For Walking
Whew! What a weekend - first I met up with some "older" friends if you will at Eleven on
Friday night and let me just say, it seems I am still quite a hot ticket - for those jet setting desperate men in their late 50's to early 70's - oh yeah I still got it. I'm quite sure The Leivas was excited to realize his husband to be was still such a wanted little twink...
then on
Saturday, the Leivas and I decided to keep our desirablity up and over where we are now, so we opted to start taking walks. West Hollywood has a bunch of mapped out walking routes that take you through the city. The one we chose is supposedly 10,000 steps or 5 miles. We took the walk, and explored our little city where I found the coolest frickin' apartment building ever. It's on Curson Avenue and it looks like an old English cottage with thatched roofs only it's apartments and there's about four of them and three stories high - I want to live there now. We're going to try and do the walk again tonight, and for the record after taking a few detours from the path, we ended up walking 11,850 steps. Oh yeah I already feel skinnier.

After our walk, I decided to finish up a song called
"This Is A Town" that I've been working on since I started the new album back in February. Finally, I got the vocals the way I want them and now it's just mixing it up that's kind of a bitch. But then, I started on another song and it came so fast and furious it was awesome. So there is a new song on the album called
"Rock Hard" that I started on Saturday.
Sunday came with a little brunch at Eleven (I think I spend too much time there) because 1. on Sundays they always had $9 all you can drink mimosas with brunch so of course being frugal I took advantage of that. Well on top of that, I noticed a big sign on Friday that said they were doing Sunday Golden Girls Brunch, which means they would have the frickin' brilliant GG show running while we momo's drank our mimosas. I couldn't wait to go, that is until I discovered they got rid of that damn all you can drink. Now they give you one free mimosa with your brunch order or a $15 carafe that probably holds about 4 drinks. Luckily Tommy and The Leivas ordered their free mimosas so I did get all three but that's the last time I'm going there for brunch, I'll mix my own mimosas and put Lifetime on at home.

Then my pals Devin, Mark, Amy, Prue & my new pal Matt came over to drink wine, eat pizza and watch
"True Blood" on HBO - and after all those festivities were over; I finished, yes finished the
"Rock Hard" song - and it's so cool. I also finally came up with a sequence list for the new album, so stay tuned for that...
and how was your weekend?
Labels: Brad's Weight Loss, Golden Girls, Life In La La Land, Swivek, True Blood
Hot Bastage Of The Week
If you watch television enough you will come to a TV series that features today's Hot Bastage Of The Week. He's done just about everything though I only started noticing him when he starred in one of my fav TV series cancelled, "Invasion" from 2005, then the following year he was in one of my fav TV series cancelled, "Vanished", and since he's been on "Ugly Betty" so like I said, he's always showing up on TV and he's always flashing his dimples and taking off his shirt and for that I give him a umm salute?

Labels: Eddie Cibrian, Hot Bastage Of The Week, Invasion, Vanished
Fat Cats and Fabulous

Yesterday it occured to me it is exactly one month until I'm a married man, perhaps that's why I have been having strange dreams about sexual encounters with other people (that's for another blog), but more pressing than what the things I can't control are the things I probably could control, you know like the fact I have become a fat ass and am only really hitching my dude before he wanders out the door and realizes not all blondes have an inner tube around their middle. So I have to lose about 20 pounds in about 20 days. Now my pal the Ciss, is an expert fitness guru, losing weight, counting calories, hiking, biking, gardening and doing all kinds of other insane things I would never consider, I guess I need to find a dealer, the crank diet has done wonders for many people and I'm sure it could work for me too. Thankfully, I don't have an addictive personality so I could totally stop doing the stuff once the weight is off... we'll see what happens I guess, now I'm off to smoke cigarettes and drink coffee so I can wake up.
Oh on a side note:
So some reviews are in on the new Swivek single "Fabulous" including:
"The single sounds fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)You rock my friend. :)" and "loving me some of the new music! very cool stuff you are doing. it's on my ipod now. "
Have you heard the new
download it for free at our website, and as a bonus is the "B-side" of
THE KICK INSIDE featuring Devin Tait from Shitting Glitter.
Labels: Devin Tait, Fabulous, Life In La La Land, My Big Gay Wedding, Shitting Glitter, Swivek
Get Ready, Get Set, Get FABULOUS

The brand new Swivek single is now available for free download!
You can head over to the
OFFICIAL SWIVEK WEBSITE and you can get not one, but two fabulous new songs by Swivek including the exclusive b-side 'THE KICK INSIDE' featuring DEVIN TAIT from SHITTING GLITTER!
You can also head to our
My Space or our Last FM page to hear the songs.
So get ready, get set and get FABULOUS!
Labels: Devin Tait, Fabulous, Shitting Glitter, Swivek, The Kick Inside
Hot Bastage Of The Week

HOT BASTAGE OF THE WEEK:Here's Johnny, Mr. Depp if you're as nasty as I am... need I say anymore?
Labels: Hot Bastage Of The Week, Johnny Depp
A Few Of My Favorite Things
What another week of total crapola - in good news I think there are only a few more little probs to work out on the new Swivek album and I'm also done with the mixing on the Shitting Glitter song so then I may just may be able to work on something else, like oh I don't know a couple Swivek videos! Thanks to my brand new favortie thing - our new
video camera:
I can't wait to start doing some videos though the main reason I bought was to film our wedding, still the Leivas is all jammed to head out somewhere to film a Swivek song, now I just need a couple concepts - so bring them on!
For something even more humorous than me, we turn to one of my all time fav gals -
Jennifer Coolidge.

The other night I was watching my new strange obsession, the
Secret Lives Of The American Teenager when who should show up as a prostitute (hired by the kid with Down's Syndrome no less), but Miss Coolidge. It made me remember how much I love her - she did a super awesome episode of
Friends, complete with a fake British accent, the Legally
Blonde movies, Stifler's mom in the
American Pie movies,
Joey, and the list goes on and on... Here she is in Joey (and this is just for starters:)
another buxomy though quite a bit more petite blonde makes our last of my favorite things this week -

it's the completely unreleased album
Changing Faces by
EG Daily. I didn't even know this album existed until I hopped in my pal Marc's car as we headed to the valley to see EG perform at Universal City Walk.. I was fazed with jealousy when I heard the great tunes coming out of that stereo but as luck would have it, not only did Marc introduce me to the last of three Valley Girl main stays (I've met Josie Cotton & Deborah Foreman you know!), but the CD was also for sale. So I got me a signed copy and I've been listening to it since... it's full of cool tunes, tender ballads, dance songs and straight up pop including two covers of her own songs, "Heart Don't Lie" and "Just For You" plus a remix of "Say It Say It"... I hope to heck she releases this one soon cause people need to hear it. It's now one of my favorites by the girl... and here's the video from the night I saw her singing Say It Say It, Smelly Cat (she was on Friends too!) and the new single Beautiful! If you're lucky you see me somewhere in there when the camera man pans (but I doubt it, even though I was right in front of her!)

Labels: Changing Faces, EG Daily, Favorite Things, Jennifer Coolidge, JVC Camera

So I was going to launch the new
Swivek single
FABULOUS onto the world today, but I'm having some artwork issues - as I didn't like the photos I had, and we had an impromptu photo shoot at Fubar on Friday so you'll just have to sit tight on that one...
but today is still going to be exciting as there is a brand new
DEBORAH HARRY single to download! I know, you don't hear that everyday. A few months ago a track called
"Fit Right In" started getting some runs out there in Cyberspace - and it's awesome, well now it's an official single along with along with a tune called
"Heat Of The Moment" featuring Mecca Dawn.
So trot your tots over to
AMAZON to download the new Debbie single!
Labels: BubbaTUNESday, Deborah Harry, Fit Right In